
Geoclub Activities 2016-2017

Hello students and faculty, we hope your semester is coming to a great end, before going into the summer we’d like to recap the previous year’s events.

We hope your semester went well, before going into the summer we’d like to recap the Geoclub’s events from the previous year.

The Geoclub went down to Fall Creek Falls State Park in Spencer, Tennessee and competed in Geoconclave during the Fall 2016 semester. The Geoclub came away with 3rd place! Next year when we go down there we won’t be taken for granite!

The Geoclub conducted two very successful “Rockin’ Bake Sales” this year and raised some much-needed funds.

We also met and razzed a few good and not-so-good movies (good: Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark, bad: San Andreas, terrible: The Core).

Geoclub participated in the first annual Geofest where we helped to identify rocks, minerals, and fossils for the curious community. Geofest was a very successful community outreach program that also had demonstrations from the archeology professors and other informational booths.

Looking to the future, the Geoclub has many events planned for the upcoming academic year. A trip to Mammoth Cave has been in talks, as well as other trips. We would like to have a large gathering for the Total Solar Eclipse that will be viewable in our area on August 21, 2017.

The Geoclub has also been asked to curate an exhibit for Wrather Museum and will be working on that over the summer and fall 2017, we still need all the help we can get with this endeavor!

Other fun events, such as more movie nights, geocaching competitions, and many others!

We are always open to suggestions for fun activities and movies for movie nights!!

The Geoclub would like to thank all the members that contributed during this past year, Dr. Michelle Casey, and Dr. Bassil El Masri.

We look forward to a prosperous new academic year!

-Geoclub Officers